Collection which allows transforming the items through a select clause.
Public Class C1SelectCollectionView
(Of As Class,
As Class)
Inherits C1WrapCollectionView(Of S,T)
Implements ICollectionView(Of T), ISupportAsyncLoading(Of T), ISupportCurrency, ISupportEditing, ISupportFiltering, ISupportGrouping, ISupportIncrementalLoading, ISupportPaging, ISupportRefreshing, ISupportSorting
public class C1SelectCollectionView<,> : C1WrapCollectionView<S,T>, ICollectionView<T>, ISupportAsyncLoading<T>, ISupportCurrency, ISupportEditing, ISupportFiltering, ISupportGrouping, ISupportIncrementalLoading, ISupportPaging, ISupportRefreshing, ISupportSorting
where S: class
where T: class
Type Parameters
- S
- The type of the items in the source collection.
- T
- The type of the items in the collection view.
Inheritance Hierarchy
See Also